Мне нравится, как ты используешь хлопки вместо ловушки!
Мне нравится, как ты используешь хлопки вместо ловушки!
Вау! Это классия!
This is amazing. I’m in a loss for words right now.
Отлично! Хорошая работа G!
Что блят это?!?
ВАУ! Этот ремикс невероятный!
How!?! This is so good! This is literally better than all of my songs combined, and you only used 1 sound?!?
thanks! I used various sound design techniques to get all the elements out of that sample, so i technically used many sounds!
Very canonblade 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Sounds a bit like colbreakz
Bro you literally got scouted by Tom Fulp, that’s insane!
Edit: because I looked at Tom Fulp’s audio scout page and found you.
how can you even tell? lmao
Since my name is MrMcMusic, many people think that I am male. But the real answer is not that, I identify as an Attack Helicopter.
If you’re laughing right now, you’re sexist
Not Male
School and Linguist
Joined on 1/29/24