Nicht schlecht! Aber einige der Noten sind aus dem Takt.
Nicht schlecht! Aber einige der Noten sind aus dem Takt.
Danke! Ja, sie sind nicht quantisiert.
Das ist gut, aber repetitiv. Ich mag es!
This gives me nostalgia for some reason lol!
Mobile?!? This is amazing!
Hell yeah! This hits so well, it sounds like something from the radio! Good job bro.
I think the drops could be better if you added a low frequency bass and made it sidechain against the kick.
Well, I already made this a long time ago, maybe I'll apply it for a future occasion, but thanks for the tip anyway
This is great
I like how in the beginning it starts to speed up, then it turns into edm style. Then the lyrics, the lyrics are very fitting for the song! I’m surprised that it’s not frontpaged!
True true! Let's pave the way for the frontpage!
Honestly I cried when it ended. I’m giving this 4.5 stars out of 5 because it’s too good.
Since my name is MrMcMusic, many people think that I am male. But the real answer is not that, I identify as an Attack Helicopter.
If you’re laughing right now, you’re sexist
Not Male
School and Linguist
Joined on 1/29/24